A Fab lab (acronym for Fabrication Laboratory) is a space for the production of physical objects with computer-controlled machines. This is an initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that paves the way for personal manufacturing and the individualisation of production with machines normally unaffordable for individuals, for the instantaneous production of prototypes, sharing designs and working collaboratively
This course aims to introduce participants into the most advanced design and digital fabrication processes, focusing on the design, development and manufacturing of prototypes in different materials, analysing in particular the transition from computer-based modelling to the materialisation of each prototype.
Based on case studies, participants will learn the basics of the various processes of digital fabrication that exist in the market. Participants also learn how to use Rapid Prototyping and the fabrication system CAD-CAM, through specific exercises.
- Understanding how the new methods of digital fabrication are changing design language and processes and challenging time, design and architecture as we traditionally knew them.
- Fostering creativity, experimentation and joint learning, involving creators/designers in the production process of their project.
Conducted by: fabLAB Asturias
Addressed to: artists, architects, designers, researchers and engineers interested in new design processes and fabrication methods.
Duration: 32 hours
Dates: October 10 to 13 and 20 to 24, 2016
Registration fee: 250€ (Registration to this course participants also get the yearly membership ID of Plataforma 0 that offers free access to the Art Centre, access to Plataforma 0 and its resources with special fees for using equipments and machines and 20% discount for courses and workshops)
Activity funded by the Regional Ministry for Culture and Sports of the Government of the Principality of Asturias