Innovation in art and digital culture II

3rd february – 2nd march 2010

Innovation in art and digital culture II

This course is a collaboration of LABoral and Universitat Oberta de Cataluyna (UOC), as part of expert programme and winter university.

This course is the second edition of an formative offer which was conceived to study the ongoing changes and transformations in contemporary art and cultural production under the influence of information and communication technologies, from an interdisciplinary context and in tune with the wider debates on an international scale in the fields of arts, humanities, communication and social sciences.

The programme will attempt to provide theoretical, practical and methodological tools to contribute to the processes of innovation in the fields of art, communication and culture, in connection with present-day trends but from a contrasted historical perspective.

It will be based on three complementary and interrelated approaches: first, a historical and theoretical overview of new art and digital culture practices; secondly, with a more theoretical-practical leaning towards the new processes of production and dissemination of those practices; and finally, a more structural approach to the political economy of digital art and culture.

The programme is focussed on the professional sphere of Arts and Humanities, as well as advanced Audiovisual Communication. However, it also connects with the contexts of Creative Industries and Cultural Management.