How nature manufactures – Biomaterials workshop

20th to 27th november 2021

Day 1 – Saturday, November 20

How Nature manufactures (1H)

Introductory talk on the science of biomimic through different case studies of organisms, focusing on the manufacturing processes of their structures, materials and textures, as bioinspiration to create sustainable alternatives in the production of new materials.

Creation of biomaterials (3H)

Workshop to learn the processes of creating biomaterials and promote circularity in the design of products using biofabrication techniques.

Biofabrication unites research and artistic creation, replacing industrial or mechanical systems with biological processes, fusing biology, technology and design according to the principles found in natural organisms, thus revolutionizing current production processes and their high environmental cost.

We will conduct a biomaterial creation workshop in which attendees will learn the general concepts and basics of bioplastics preparation, step by step, in a practical way, to make their own recipes and experiments, giving a second life to organic waste.

Day 2 – Saturday, November 27th

Design with biomaterials (4H)

Evaluation of the biomaterials created in the previous session:

– Search for applications depending on their characteristics.

– How to recover materials to which mold has appeared.

We will use the materials created to make different applications for packaging, origami, etc.

We will work with different bio-based materials, gelatin, agar agar, calcium alginate, adding glycerin and additives of organic origin, coffee grounds, banana peel, carrot, potato, eggshell, peanut, etc. We have an electric stove, casserole, scale and everything necessary for cooking biomaterials. As molds we will use all kinds of containers, as well as petri dishes that you will be able to take home at the end of the workshop.

Aimed at: students and professionals in the world of design, with concerns and interest in exploring other materials, textiles, bioplastics; alternatives more compatible with the environment. No previous knowledge is required.

Taught by: Marlén López and Manuel Persa

Marlén López is Director, PhD Biodigital Architect – Co-founder and architect in Volumínica Studio – Director of Laboratorio Biomimético.

Manuel Persa is researcher and digital artisan – Founder and creative director at Volumínica. Co-founder of Laboratorio Biomimético.

Prior reservation is required

Schedule: from 10:00 to 14:00h

Number of places: 12

Price: 60 € (includes material)

Activity promoted and financed by the Consejería de Cultura, Política Llingüística y Turismo.

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