Film… workshops

21th to 25th november 2011

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial will host Talleres… de cine, an activity organised in collaboration with the Gijón International Film Festival.

The objective of Los Talleres… de cine is to create a link between young people and the seventh art, based on the educational and formative potential of the films included in the Enfants Terribles cycle of the Gijón International Film Festival and other more classic films. Its purpose is to encourage the development of creative skills, visual inventiveness and the creation of new images and stories.

The aim of this activity is to encourage audiovisual creation among young people, using home-made technology, promoting innovation, creativity and research. Schoolchildren will go from being mere spectators to experiencing the audiovisual event from the inside, promoting the construction of stories and characters that foster understanding of the creative act.

The workshops will create a blog where the work and opinions of the children and young people will be made visible, and where the work produced, critiques and even didactic material for use in the classroom will be published.

This activity is part of the filMO programme, a pocket film festival made with mobile devices, such as telephones or low-resolution cameras, initially created as part of LABoral’s LABmóvil project included in the Plan Avanza, sponsored by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce of the Government of Spain.

Aimed at: primary and secondary school students from educational centres in Asturias.
Venue: set0 of LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
Coordinated by: Espacio de creación y didáctica

Reservations: 985 182 946/ 985 182 940 and