Within the FabLab Schools EU project, a visit was made to the Danilo Dolci Creative Development Center in Palermo.
The activities developed at the Palermo meeting served as a complement to the development of the projects. The introduction to 3D design tools has helped channel ideas about what and how to design each of the elements that will be part of the projects. This was of great help since we have detected that the design phase is one of the phases that generates the most work and problems for the students.
Presentations were also made about the manual to help guide how the information being generated from the sessions should be transferred to the final document that will be delivered at the end of the project.
What is FabLab?
FABLAB SCHOOLS EU: Towards Digital Smart, Entrepreneurial and Innovative Pupils, is a project to develop common methodological principles that support digital fabrication in education across Europe. New technology, which includes programming tools such as 3D programming, 3D printers and laser cutters, responds to the need to support the entrepreneurial spirit of the new generation, their creativity and productivity. To achieve this, a group made up of schools, municipalities and research centers work together to achieve a good understanding and implementation of the project.
Specifically, FABLAB SCHOOLS EU assumes the tasks of:
- increase the competence and pedagogical skills of teachers in the field of digital fabrication in classrooms;
- provide students with the innovation capabilities and digital competence that are needed in the 21st century;
- develop methodological principles for digital fabrication in classrooms; and
- advance the adaptation of the recommendations and formulation of the EU policy on digital manufacturing in EU classrooms.
What has been done in schools in recent months?
Italian and Spanish teachers are conducting Skype sessions with their students.
In recent months the Spanish centers have made notable progress in the use of the design programs and manufacturing machines that they have been using in the Fablab.
The CP Ablaña-La Pereda (teachers Inmaculada Argüelles and Paola de la Peña) is making an ecological garden at the school and they have designed some pieces to protect the plants from extreme weather conditions. They have also made planters for a vertical garden.
The IES Peñamayor (teachers Beatriz Álvarez and Isaac Montes) has been working on a Kamishibai, “Paper Theater.” They have seen the potential in creating stories about sustainability and using them to raise community awareness.
Andolina School (teacher Enrique Curiel) has worked on t-shirt design, making screen printing kits. They will begin the project on sustainability in the session on February 20.
The CPEB Cabañaquinta (teachers José Ramón Álvarez and Cristina Martín) has worked on the design of a logo for the center. They will begin the project on sustainability in the session on February 19.
The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program, and has a duration of two years (from November 2016 to October 2018). The partners and collaborators in this project are:
- Vejle Kommunen (Denmark – Project Coordinator);
- Aarhus University (Denmark);
- Danilo Dolci Creative Sviluppo Center(Italy);
- Vereniging Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs (Holland);
- Fundación Laboral Center for Art and Industrial Creation (Spain)