In the morning the group will work in LABoral´s garden – Patio Sur fitting out the workplace.
During this session Iwona Pakula will cook traditional polish meal Krokiety z Barszczem which is based on fermented cabbage and red beet.
From 4 pm Patio Sur will open the door for kids and their families.
To celebrate the coming of spring the group will sow some seeds of local species like oats seeds and wild flowers. With the artist Joaquín Vila the visitors will get to know some kind of plants and seeds. The guests will find out how works the microscope made by the artists Andy Gracie y Paula Pin form recycled materials.
The visitors also can play the didactic game Utopólis which is focused on relation between the city and the village.
Programme of activities funded by the Ministry for Culture and Sports of the Principality of Asturias