Conducting Ink Workshop – 3rd cycle Primary Education

19th september 2016 – 23th june 2017

Conductive ink is an ink that allows electricity to pass through, making it possible to draw circuits as if they were drawings. In this workshop we propose to the students of the 3rd cycle of Primary Education to discover in a fun way the functioning of electricity that will allow them to create multimedia devices in any object and material. For example, we will experiment with music by creating new instruments made of paper.


  • To observe, perceive, understand and critically interpret images of the natural and cultural environment, being sensitive to their plastic, aesthetic and functional qualities.
  • Maintain an attitude of personal and collective search, articulating perception, imagination, enquiry and sensitivity and reflecting when making and enjoying different artistic productions.
  • Carry out artistic productions in a cooperative way, assuming different roles and collaborating in the resolution of the problems that arise in order to achieve a satisfactory final product.
  • Explore and get to know different materials and instruments and acquire specific codes and techniques of the different artistic languages to use them for expressive and communicative purposes.