AuLAB is a methodological innovation experience based on project work and competency-based programming that is developed in three lines of work: digital design and manufacturing, experimental television and creative programming.
Its fundamental objective is to provide a more creative vision of technology, while proposing a work methodology that promotes a learning space based on experimentation in students and teachers, who develop an annual project that is part of the classroom programming. .
Lines of work:
Learning through digital design and manufacturing (Susanna Tesconi).
TV-LAB. Experimental television laboratory (Pia Capisano and Laura Malinverni).
Introduction to programming (Daniel Barreiro).
Starting from the teacher training sessions held at the beginning of the school year, teachers and students develop an annual project combining work in the classroom with double sessions throughout the school year at LABoral.
The documentation and memory of the development of the project, in addition to the experience of the teachers and students, is collected here:
The “learning by doing” methodology provides participants with research tools to build their own learning through the exchange of experiences and communication between individuals. This means a change in the students, who become responsible for their own learning process and in the teacher, who must accompany this project at all times; at the same time it reflects the contents and curricular competencies worked on in its classroom program and documents the evolution and results for a subsequent evaluation of the experience.
Learn through digital design and manufacturing
AuLAB is part of the Contract-Program Program that is developed by the General Directorate of Vocational Training, Curriculum Development and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Principality of Asturias, in collaboration with LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation.
This node is developed in LABoral’s digital manufacturing laboratory. Digital manufacturing is the set of techniques and machines that allow the creation of physical objects from computational designs: the machines receive information from a computer and produce physical elements by subtractive or additive procedures.
Teachers and students agree to design a multimedia application or physical product, using rapid prototyping tools.
The conceptualization, development and production of the design allows students to actively and responsibly get involved in a learning process in which they work: creative problem solving, teamwork, interaction with technology and skills and content. that the teacher incorporates as the design evolves.
Developed by: Susanna Tesconi, learning and research environment designer, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Senior Fablearn Fabfellow, Stanford University (ES).
Dates: throughout the school year.
Aimed at: students and teachers of primary and secondary education centers in the Principality of Asturias
TV-LAB. Experimental television laboratory
AuLAB is part of the Contract-Program Program that is developed by the General Directorate of Vocational Training, Curriculum Development and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Principality of Asturias in collaboration with LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation.
Television set and online platform that allow you to learn about the bases of audiovisual language and communication, creating a discourse without imposed patterns and formats and allows you to learn about other ways of watching and making television and using communication technologies.
At TVLAB, a free and collaborative work space is built, where there is time for students to experiment and discover the tools and decide what they want to tell. Previously, it is necessary to generate a climate of trust and freedom through dynamics of debate, research and decision-making. of decisions. Ultimately, students are “empowered” by their learning process and the tools at their disposal.
It is a laboratory for the production and creation of content (set) that is shown in:
Developed by: Pia Capisano and Laura Malinverni
Dates: throughout the school year
Aimed at: students and teachers of primary and secondary education centers in the Principality of Asturias
Creative programming and robotics
AuLAB is part of the Contract-Program Program that is developed by the General Directorate of Vocational Training, Curriculum Development and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Principality of Asturias in collaboration with LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation.
Learning basic concepts and processes of the operation of digital technology and practical exercise in its creative use, using visual programming tools (Scratch), electronics and robotics
The programming node is based on 3 questions: What happens inside a computer? What is programming? What is it for and where is the programming present?
Thus, a new relationship between the user and technological devices is encouraged, establishing a more critical approach and a change in their usability guidelines, laying the foundations for an active and integrated use of technology.
Developed by: Daniel Barreiro,
Dates: throughout the school year
Aimed at: students and teachers of primary and secondary education centers in the Principality of Asturias
Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Education andCulture of the Government of the Principality of Asturias through the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports