AuLAB 2014-15

9th september 2014 – 12th june 2015

AuLAB is proposed as a laboratory for reflection on teaching practice whose fundamental objectives are to improve teaching and learning processes, and develop professional skills.

The fundamental objective is to develop a free and flexible learning space that encourages the personal development of students through basic skills and adapts to the needs of teachers.

It is intended at the same time to encourage critical reflection on the role of new technologies in the educational context, their use as a teaching tool, while changing the perception of students and teachers about their own relationship with them: going from being a passive user. to know them.

AuLAB at LABoral consists of three nodes or lines of work that have in common that work from the idea of ​​“learning to learn” to encourage curiosity, creativity and critical thinking. A work methodology is proposed to design and develop an annual project with teachers and students that will also be part of the classroom programming of two or more subjects.

Work nodes

  1. NodeLearn through design(Susanna Tesconi). Digital manufacturing or computer-aided manufacturing allows a design from a computer file to be materialized into a physical object. Using fabLAB resources, students participate in a design process of a real artifact.
  2. NodeTV-LAB. Experimental television laboratory(Pia Capisano and Dani Miracle). Communication platform and experimental television set that proposes other ways of watching and making television and using communication technologies.
  3. NodeIntroduction to programming(Luis Díaz). Learning basic concepts and processes of how digital technology works and practical exercise in its creative use.

Development of the program

The work methodology is presented in the teacher training sessions held in September 2014. Teachers and students develop an annual project combining work in the classroom with 5 double sessions throughout the school year at LABoral.

The documentation and memory of the development of the project, in addition to the experience of the teachers and students, is collected here:


The “learning by doing” methodology provides participants with research tools to build their own learning through the exchange of experiences and communication between individuals. This means a change in the students, who become responsible for their own learning process and in the teacher, who must accompany this project at all times; at the same time it reflects the contents and curricular competencies worked on in its classroom program and documents the evolution and results for a subsequent evaluation of the experience.

More information

Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Principality of Asturias through the

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