Archives and media libraries

11th to 12th november 2011

Workshop on alternative practices for documentation, archiving and accessing artistic projects based on unstable technologies.

LABoral’s Mediateca_Archivo [Media Libraries] reached one of its objectives as a space for continuous dialogue connecting the methods and formats used by established institutions with experimental ways of approaching documentation, ar­chiving and the preservation of the contemporary forms of expression. If an archive has a central role in the construction of collective memory and in the recovery of others, consigned to oblivion, it should also break this memory-oblivion duality and encourage the creation of other taxonomies, and in turn become a way of creating a space for the artistic community in the Principality of Asturias.

Dates: 11.11.2011—12.11.2011

Schedule: Friday, from 4 pm to 7 pm; Saturday, from 11 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 7 pm

Aimed at: cultural institutions, documentary production companies, distribution, documentalists, curators software developers and any interested public members.

Information and registration: T. +34 985 18 5577 /

Participants: 20