A Story Never Told from Below

21th november – 15th december 2016

The production of knowledge is one of the fields of action of art and it consists not only of art works and practices. It is also a way of understanding educational science and the concept of knowledge as an on-going field of operations with several stakeholders that understands production not only in relation with works and exhibitions, but also from a more general perspective where reflection, criticism and analysis are constantly reactivated overcoming the representational setting and from the effective -and emotional- activation of the concept of community.

Regina de Miguel is one of the artists that take part in Monsters of the Machine and she collaborates with a group of students of I.E.S. Pravia (high school) in the development of an audiovisual project on their community with her guidance.

Students work on curriculum competences and contents through the creation and production of this artistic project based on the relationship of young people with the technological development with the purpose of telling their own story and the story of their community.


– fostering critical thinking and knowledge based on experimenting and the creation of an artistic project

– developing spaces for project-based learning and proposing art as a tool to acquire competences and skills

– promoting artistic practices to challenge conventional perspectives and empowering students as critical citizens.

Conducted by: Regina de Miguel, artist (SP)

Aimed to: Secondary education students

Dates and hours: 21st-23rd November and 12th-15th, December , from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Duration: 7 sessions in school times

As a result of the work done, the students are developing the project “R&3ºPMAR”, which you can consult at the following link: https://the-almo-steasy.tumblr.com/


Logo Laboral

Part of the proyect: European Digital Art and Science Network:

Art & Science

With the support of:

Creative Europe Programme
Gobierno del Principado