ecoLAB Meetings

29th january 2011

ecoLAB organises itself through a working group called by Plataforma cero, meeting on the last weeked of every month at LABoral.

The working group is conformed throught the mixture of very different participants. January 29th takes place the frist meeting. Participants:

• David Pello, Pedro Soler & Daniel Fernández from Plataformacero
• Hernani Dias from Re:farm the city
• Marcos Yarza from Libelium (Zaragoza)
• Javier Palacios from Cova dos ratos
• Lorena Lozano
• Rubén from Huerta guerilla
• Susanna Tesconi
• Andy Gracie
• Marcos Menéndez
• Marianna Nieddu
• Ana Barriuso Arranz from Huerta guerilla
• Román Fernández Crespo from Huerta guerilla
• Sara Malinarich from intact01
• Elisa de los Reyes García López from Zoohaus
• María Cueva

More informationn: ecolab(at)