Digital LAB

11th february – 15th may 2009

Open call for the production of a project which combines an installational and a virtual dimension

Digital LAB is an open call for the production of a project which combines an installational dimension (to be exhibited in Plataforma 1 at LABoral) and a virtual dimension with a link on LABoral’s web.

Only one project will be accepted per artist or collective. 
The winning project will be chosen by a Jury.

Opening date: 10:00 am on February 23rd 2009. 
Deadline: 8:00 pm on May 15th 2009. 
Maximum budget for production: 20,000 euro. 
Announcement of selected projects: June 1st 2009. 

To download the conditions for participation please click here

To download the application form please click here

To download the plans for Room Plataforma 1, please click here

Plataforma 1.v1.jpg
Plataforma 1.v2.jpg
Plataforma 1.v5.jpg

Images of Room Plataforma 1