Decoding Frankenstein

17th december 2016 – 18th december 2017

LABshop Market cellebrates the bicentenary of Frankenstein with this progamme of activities.

Illustrated Frankenstein

The illustrators Thanya Castrillón and Eli García, collaborators of the Asturian publisher’s house Uve Books illustrate a fragment of Shelley’s work live. During one day, several publishers will share their views in a round table on the role of women in the publishing world.

Date and times: Sunday, December 18, 2016, from 5 to  8 p.m.

Sombras en alta fidelidad

This activity brings back the experience of screening sessions accompanied live by orchestras that complemented with sound the actors, actresses and scenarios on the screen. In this case is live music for Frankenstein the first short film based on this novel directed by J. Searle Dawley in 1910.

Fasenuova, the experimental electronic music group will perform the music live for the film.

Date and times: Saturday, December 17, 2016, from 6 to 7.30 p.m. Free entrance


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In the framework of the project: European Network of Digital Art and Science:

Art & Science

With the support of:

Co-funded Creative Europe Programme
Gobierno del Principado