XII LABjoven_Los Bragales Scholarship

28th may – 2nd july 2020

LABoral and the Los Bragales Collection launch this call aimed at Asturian artists or artists residing in Asturias

One more year LABoral Centro de Arte and the Los Bragalen Collection launch the call for the LABjoven_Los Bragales Scholarship.

This edition is marked by the COVID-19 health emergency, which has also had a great impact on the cultural sector.

LABjoven_Los Bragales is a call with a vocation to support and energize the artistic scene of Asturias, especially aimed at the youngest artists in the region.

With this intention, the 12th edition of this Scholarship includes some modifications that attempt to adapt this call to the current situation so that it continues to serve the Asturian artistic community.

Objective of the call
The objective of this annual call is to award two prizes for the realization of two artistic projects. Projects must be conceived to show on the internet: video, sound art, net.art, online performance and other practices related to digital formats.

Addressed to
Artists born in Asturias, or residents in the Principality of Asturias or descendants of Asturians up to the second degree, whose age does not exceed 40 years as of December 31, 2020.

Financial endowment
The financial value of each prize amounts to €5,800. The prize must be used to fully cover production expenses, among which the artist’s fees must be indicated. The indicated amount will be subject to the appropriate taxation.

In addition, the artist will have access to alltechnical resourcesand humans from LABoral.

– The proposal must be submitted through the web platform that LABoral has enabled for this purpose:http://labjoven5.laboralcentrodearte.org

The deadline for sending documentation ends at 12 noon on July 2, 2020.

Consult complete bases [+]

Production plan [+]

For any questions: produccion@laboralcentrodearte.org

Asturias_consejeria cultura_llingua
Los Bragales
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