Convened by the Ministry of the Presidency through the Asturian Youth Institute
Note: The winning project of the VI Call for the LABjoven_Experimenta award has been Inercia, byDavid Martinez Suarez
The award is dedicated to experimental artistic projects (installations, multimedia installations, actions, interventions and any other creative process), specifically conceived for installation in one/s of LABoral’s spaces, at the proposal of the artist and in consensus with LABoral Centro de Art and Industrial Creation.
The following spaces can be intervened: exterior, lobby, transit galleries, Column Room.
Young people born in Asturias, or residents in the Principality of Asturias or descendants up to the second degree of Asturian emigrants, whose age does not exceed 35 years as of December 31, 2012. Those who have not justified in time and established form the subsidies granted in previous years by any body of the Principality of Asturias. The young beneficiaries must prove that they are up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations.
A prize is established in the amount of TEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY EUROS (€10,250).
Registry of the Ministry of the Presidency (C/ Eduardo Herrera “Herrerita”, s/n. Edificio Buenavista. 33006 Oviedo). Post Offices (certificate to record the delivery date)
Places to register:
In the Records of the Principality of Asturias:
– In Oviedo: Registry of the Ministry of the Presidency (C/ Eduardo Herrera “Herrerita”, s/n. Buenavista Building. 33006 Oviedo).
– In Oviedo: General Registry Multiple Services Building (C/Coronel Aranda 2, Planta Plaza. 33005 Oviedo)
– In Gijón: Citizen Assistance Office (C/ Cabrales 39, 33201 Gijón)
Also remember that you can also register it:
-In the General Registry of the Town Councils of Gijón, Carreño, Tineo, Llanes and Corvera
-And also send it to us through the Post Office duly registered.