Series B Poetry Contest

1st june – 12th july 2010

LABoral, El Gaviero Ediciones and the Semana Negra de Gijón collaborate in this summer literary call for poetic texts of the noir, police, western and science fiction genres.

LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation in collaboration with the Black Week of Gijón and El Gaviero Ediciones announces the First Series B Poetry Contest according to the following


1. This contest aims to support literary creation while claiming Series B within the poetic genre, its recreational and entertainment aspect; promoting transversality between popular, avant-garde and industrial models of artistic expression.

2. In this first edition, any poetic text that focuses on any of the following subgenres will be accepted as Series B:
– Police
– Western
– Terror
– Science fiction

3. Any person of legal age who resides in the Spanish State may compete.

4. A single poem will be sent with a minimum of 14 verses and a maximum of 40.

5. The text will be presented in electronic format and will be accompanied by an attachment with the author’s personal data: full name, postal address, email, telephone, age, ID.

The shipping address will be the following:

6. The works will be unpublished, written in Spanish, and not awarded in other competitions. Works that have been published in electronic format will also not be accepted.

7. The works will be presented signed with the author’s name. Pseudonyms will not be accepted.

8. The submission period will end on July 1, 2010. Works submitted after said date will be excluded.

9. The jury will be made up of five members from the field of culture, and a secretary, with voice but no vote, as a representative of LABoral. Its composition will be made public coinciding with the dissemination of its ruling. The jury, which will act freely and whose decisions are final, will discuss and issue the ruling. Likewise, the prize may be awarded to a single work, declared ex-aequo, with finalists, or void. In any case, among the members of the Jury there will be representatives of LABoral, the Semana Negra de Gijón, El Gaviero Ediciones, and representatives of the literary world.

10. The prize will be worth 1,200 euros and a trip to the Black Week in Gijón. This award will be presented during the celebration of the Black Week in Gijón.

11. The winning text may be edited and published on behalf of LABoral and El Gaviero. It is understood that the author transfers the rights of reproduction of the winning text to LABoral and El Gaviero upon receiving the financial award for the contest as an advance payment.

12. Non-winning originals will be eliminated after the award is decided. No correspondence will be entered into about them.

13. The jury’s decision will be final and will be made public during the celebration of the Black Week in Gijón (July 9-18, 2010), and will be communicated personally to the author before its dissemination in the media.

14. The winner agrees to attend the award ceremony on July 12 in Gijón.

15. Participating in this award implies full acceptance of its rules.

(All communication about the contest will be made through the email address indicated in the rules: )