Open Call from the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab
Together with twelve prestigious art and cultural institutions, Ars Electronica is launching a new Europe-wide, three-year initiative: the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab. Until February 17, 2019, both established artists and up-and-coming talents will have the opportunity to spend several weeks at the Ars Electronica Futurelab and at the Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia (Museum of the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Art and Science Center) as well as Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella in Buenos Aires.
Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence
The fields of neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI) have a long and intertwined history and neuroscience has made important contributions to the development of AI and vice versa. Research into human neural systems and processes is a key element in the understanding of artificial intelligent systems and essential for the evolution of many areas where AI is applied, including artificial neural networks, machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), deep learning and cognitive computing and of course areas that may not have been considered or don’t exist yet.
The various currents of cognitive science (of which neuroscience is a part of) have a major impact on AI research, as an AI (whether strong or weak) seeks to mimic these mental processes, from speech recognition to the ability to conduct complex conversations. Therefore, the urge to understand these processes in humans is all too logical as it enables us to develop technologies that can execute these rules and reaction patterns. The mission of this residency programme is to explore what contribution art can make to these scientific fields. We want to explore how and in what way artistic thinking and practice can influence new applications and lead to a more critical understanding of AI and neurosciences.
The Residency
The residency of the AI Lab is divided into two phases:
The artist first travels to Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia and Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella she or he will be accompanied by a scientific mentor for three to six weeks to gather inspiration for her or his artistic work.
In the second section we go to Linz, Austria, to Ars Electronica Futurelab. Here, too, a mentor will support the winning artist of the AILab Residency. At the Ars Electronica Festival the result will be presented to a broad public.
The selected artist wins a residency (no prize money). In addition, an artist’s fee of € 3.000,-, production costs of € 5.000,-, accommodation and travel expenses for the residency will be covered from a designated fund.
Start of online submission: January 8, 2019
Closing date for online submissions: February 25, 2019, 11:59 PM CEST/GMT+2
To participate in the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, you must register online and submit all mandatory information online.
The call is open for artists (above the age of 18) from all countries and all kinds of innovative concepts and ideas in the fields of digital art, neurosciences and AI.
An artist may submit more than one work.
The submission has to be made in English.
Entrants are requested not to submit irreplaceable originals since submitted materials cannot be returned.
Works submitted without the required accompanying material will not be accepted.
An entry confirmation will be sent out via e-mail as soon as all required documentation has been received.
A submission is complete and formally entered in the competition only if all information has been entered online and the submission has been finalized online.
Employees of Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG, partners, sponsors and patrons of the European ARTificial intelligence Lab, staff members of organizations that have established and endowed an individual category, as well as the competition’s jurors are ineligible to participate.
Platform for registration and applications [+]
Jury Sessions
The jury meetings will take place with representatives of Ars Electronica, the scientific institution and the cultural partners of the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab. There will be no written correspondence about the jury’s decision, except to the winners of the competition. The jury’s decision is final and the artist is expected to start her or his residency in the first half of 2019.
Evaluation Criteria
Every concept submitted for consideration will be evaluated by a jury of experts in the order in which it was received according to the following criteria:
Interest in the ideas of science as expressed by Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia and Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella
Aesthetics, originality
Compelling conception
Technique and quality of the presentation
The winner of the residency will be notified immediately after the jury meeting in mid-March 2019. All participants are requested to be available at the e-mail address given in the registration form during this period or to nominate a representative to request and prepare any credits and further documents for the public announcement.
Presentation of the project
The projects that will be created in the various residencies will be presented at the Ars Electronica Festival 2019/2020 and at exhibitions in Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia. If possible, preparations will be made during the Artist/Scientist-In-Residence at Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia and Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella in Buenos Aires and at the Ars Electronica Futurelab in Linz.
The winner must ensure that the project or concept can be presented in any case at the Ars Electronica Festival and at exhibitions of the partner institutions. Groups and institutions are requested to nominate a representative to fulfill this obligation. This presentation must be agreed with the organizers of the Ars Electronica Festival, who reserve the right to take the festival’s program into account when determining the format of the presentation. The artist agrees to include the following acknowledge in all future exhibitions, documentations of the work: “This project was developed within the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab and is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.”
Submission Details
This competition is open for international artists and all kinds of innovative concepts and ideas at the intersection of digital art, neuroscience and AI. The residency at Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia and Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella will promote to establish rich feedback from AI researches and neuroscientists in order to stimulate new envisions about their own practices. The Residence will facilitate Artists – Scientists interaction for selected projects, working on the exploration of common perceptions, questions and methods for the project development.
The submission platform will be opened by January, 8, 2019. The closing date for submission has been extended until February, 25, 2019.
Each submission has to be done online and include the following parts:
A personal testimony video which introduces the artist who describes why and how a residency at Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia, Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella and Ars Electronica Futurelab will inspire new work (Up to 5 min.)
An outline of a possible concept/idea which the artist wishes to pursue at Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia, Laboratorio de Neurociencia de la Universidad Torquato Ditella and Futurelab. The concept description should explain the essentials of the idea, how and why the ideas and science generated by a residency at Muntref Centro de Arte y Ciencia and the working at Ars Electronica Futurelab are essential to the project.
A draft production plan with cost estimation for the realization and timeline. The production plan should contain a clear description of the production tasks involved in the project, and how and why the Ars Electronica Futurelab personnel are important for the realization and production of the proposed idea.
A selected portfolio of work which showcases work the artist is proud of
A biography of the artist
Cofunded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
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