Telefónica R+D and LABoral are proud to organize NEXT THINGS 2015 – CONDUCTA, the Forth Global Art & Technology Challenge. NEXT THINGS 2015 – CONDUCTA pursues innovative and breakthrough ideas on the Internet of Things in the context of art and technology.
Telefonica R+D and LABoral are seeking researchers/artists/designers who are working on artistic and research projects exploring the modulation of human behavior in groups of people through new technologies, particularly ideas and techniques involving data mining and pattern recognition, machine learning, collective group behavior and wearable technologies and biometric data and similar.
Key Words: Quantifed Self, behavior, self-tracking, aggregate data, machine learning, wearable tracking
It is important to reflect on these frameworks and to explore the impact that the Internet of Things, and Interactions Machine to Machine (M2M) can have on the lives of people, on a scale that spans from individual to whole societies.
It will be appreciated in the proposals:
– That may be converted in manufactured objects, employed by people and societies.
– Connected wirelessly to the Internet.
The call is open to all creators in the space between art and technology.
The selected project will be awared with a six (6) month artist fellowship, split between LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (through Plataforma 0. Production Centre) in Gijón for (2) two months and Telefónica R+D (Telefonica’s technology research and development arm) in Barcelona for (4) four months. The goal of the fellowship is to enable the fellow to bring the chosen idea to life.
The artist will receive twelve thousand euros (12,000 €) gross as fees and a grant of up to two thousand euros (2,000 €) gross for travel, accommodation and expenses at LABoral.
Please send the document in PDF format to before April 17th 2015.
The decision will be announced at the organizers websites.
The fellowship will start on June 1st, 2015.
Check the rules for the call [+]
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