LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creation announces the II Visual Haikus Contest
LABoral Center for Art and Industrial Creationconvenes the II Visual Haikús Contest, within the framework of its Public and Mediation Program, according to the following BASES:
1. This contest aims to celebrate Book Day and bring together, once again, the different artistic languages: poetry and audiovisual creation.
2. The haiku presented must meet the following requirements:
– The poetics of haiku is based on the amazement and emotion that contemplation of reality produces in the poet. On this occasion, the haiku must be about the confinement derived from the state of alarm that our country is suffering due to the pandemic generated by COVID-19.
– They must maintain the classic meter of 3 verses without rhyme of 5,7 and 5 syllables.
– The duration of the video cannot be longer than 30”.
– The text of the written or recited haiku must appear in the video.
3. Any person who wishes may participate, without age limits. All participants who have not reached the age of majority must complete the authorization that accompanies these rules and upload it to the web platform.
4. Only one visual haiku per participant will be sent.
5. The video must be sent in mp4 with h264 codec, stereo, with dimensions of 1920×1080 pixels and will be accompanied by the author’s personal data: full name, postal address, email, telephone, age, ID. Shipments will be made through the following platform:
6. The haiku will be unpublished, written in Spanish or the Asturian language, and not awarded in other competitions.
Haiku that have been published in electronic format will not be accepted either.
7. The haiku will be presented signed with the name of the author. Pseudonyms will not be accepted.
8. The deadline for submitting originals to the contest will begin on April 23 and end on May 15, 2020. Outside of the aforementioned deadline, haiku may continue to be sent and will be published on social networks.
9. The jury will be made up of members from the field of culture, and a secretary, with voice but no vote, as a representative of LABoral. Its composition will be made public coinciding with the dissemination of its ruling. The jury, which will act freely and whose decisions are final, will discuss and issue the ruling. Likewise, the prize may be awarded to a single work, declared ex-aequo, with finalists, or void. In any case, among the members of the Jury there will be representatives of LABoral and representatives of the literary world.
10. The prize will be endowed with 250 euros, a batch of publications from LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and a Friend card with a LABoral number during the year 2021.
11. It is understood that the author transfers the non-exclusive reproduction rights of the winning work to LABoral.
12. All participants give up the right to publish their haiku on the different LABoral social networks. LABoral undertakes to publish the haiku with indication of their authorship.
13. The jury’s decision will be final and will be made public after it has been held, and will be communicated personally to the author before its dissemination in the media.
14. Participating in this award implies full acceptance of its rules.
For any additional information or questions, contact
Start: April 23, 2020
Ending: May 15, 2020
Download the complete bases[+]
Download the authorization for minors[+]
Ref: We give as a reference this video in which you can see the results of the I Haikus Contest (which referred to the Electric Nights exhibition, and was called Electric Haikus. Finalists and winners:
Adaptation project of the winning haikus and the five finalists of the contest organized by LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial and El Gaviero Ediciones.