Call for applications for grants for the research and production of personal projects in the field of artistic creation.
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial has earmarked €20,500 for the call for applications for grants for the research and production of personal projects in the field of artistic creation.
The Grants consist of two phases: a two-month research and pre-production stay with a change of residence, and a post-production period to be carried out in LABoral’s Production Workshop – Platform 2. For the first phase, LABoral has initiated a collaboration with the Glogauer Centre in Berlin, although other destinations will be studied.
The Grants are aimed at artists from Asturias or resident in Asturias.
The grants will be direct, indivisible and non-transferable. They do not cover family benefits.
The use of these Grants is compatible with any other institutional aid.
To read the rules of the call for applications, click here.
To download the application form, click here