Open call for the competition of Ideas of Applications for Mobile Devices aimed at young people, which aims to encourage and reward the launch of new ideas that allow the subsequent development of mobile applications aimed at young people.
This is a competition of ideas launched by the Lab_Móvil project and born with the spirit of encouraging the active participation of young people within the binomial of mobile devices and audiovisual productions. LABMóvil is part of one of LABoral’s programme lines: the perception of the social territory.
LABMóvil is aimed at a specific sector of the population of Spanish nationality or resident in Spain, made up of young people between the ages of fourteen (14) and thirty-five (35), and takes their social, work, cultural and family environment as its working region.
LABMóvil explores social territories that share a background with generational and socio-economic problems, with the dual purpose of increasing knowledge and studying the connection between society and technology, in collaboration with existing social networks.
To download the complete rules, click here. pincha aquí
More information about the LABmóvil project [+].
Funded by: Plan Avanza of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
The multiannual LABmóvil project, financed by the Plan Avanza within the framework of the Acción Estratégica de Telecomunicaciones y Sociedad de la Información, as part of the Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011 of the Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce). With this programme, LABoral is committed to contributing to and promoting the generation of innovative digital content aimed at favouring the implementation of the information society among citizens, and to promoting the creation of spaces open to innovation through the development of sustainable alternatives aimed at changing the current production model through the intensive use of new mobile technologies, as well as the constitution of knowledge dissemination networks.