Call for proposals for the development of a production residency for creators
Spatial Narratives is a project by LABoral, through its Plataforma Cero, and in collaboration with SAT (Montreal), No Tours (Vigo) and GPSmuseum (Murcia), focusing on locative audio and its many narrative possibilities. It consists of a workshop, an exhibition and a production residency for creators, and wishes to emphasise the importance of analysing the political role of sound in public space.
Click here to download the rules for the call [+]
Winning project:
Serendipia, by Helena Torres Sbarbati
Second position:
Facing Utopia, by Gael Segalen and Joachim Montessiuis
Special Mention:
G.E.S. (Great Empty Space), by The Indian Research Organisation
Escuchas de Laciana, by Lucca Rullo
Mix and Match, fractal_audio_mapping, by Carmen González