Call for the design and production of DIY tools for the practice of amateur astronomy

14th november 2015 – 1st february 2016

Projects are sought for the development of an open tool for the practice of astronomy

In line with the philosophy of culture and open creation of fabLAB Asturias, the development of an open tool for the practice of astronomy is proposed. The tool can be both software and hardware, and must be published with free licenses, such as GPL/BSD or Creative Commons. In the case of software, its integration with other existing free software will be assessed, and in the case of hardware, its easy replication with the tools and technologies available in a Fab Lab. fabLAB Asturias will offer technical support for the development of the project.

The project must include a tool proposal and a workshop proposal to be held at LABoral in two 4-hour sessions. The design and instructions for building the tool will be shared in open online repositories.


– Workshop development and delivery fees (€500) – Materials: €400 (including workshop materials). LABoral manages this budget in collaboration with those responsible for the selected project.- Resources: the selected project has 12 hours of technical support and 15 hours of use of the fabLAB Asturias machines


– Call: from November 14, 2015 to February 1, 2016 – Workshop celebration: 2nd half of April 2016

Send dossier that includes:
– Brief text presenting the tool and workshop proposal (max 750 characters) – Brief biography – Material needs for development and workshop

Proposals can be sent by email tofablab@laboralcentrodearte.orguntil February 1, 2016.


Within the framework of the project: European Network of Digital Art and Science:

With the support of:

Co-funded Creative Europe Programme
Consejería Cultura y Turismo