Call for musical residency

27th january 2016 to 29th february 2016

LABoral announces a six-month artistic residency aimed at musicians or groups from Asturias or residents in Asturias.

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial makes a rehearsal space available to the local artistic community with the aim of serving the Asturian music scene as a tool for the production and dissemination of content. The program is framed in a project of artistic residencies that are offered to bands for a period of six months to carry out a musical project.

In addition to using this space, equipped with the Center’s equipment, the musicians will participate in the LABoral programming. In this way, they will be able to get involved in exhibitions, workshops or open sessions.

Musical groups or soloists from Asturias or residents in Asturias will be eligible and for the selection the artistic and cultural value of the proposal presented will be assessed, as well as its relationship with LABoral’s lines of work: new technologies, electronics, DIY (do it yourself). and relationship with the local context.

Proposals must be submitted before Monday, February 29, 2016 through a form available on the website and will be evaluated by the LABoral team, who will ultimately determine the musical group or soloist that will opt for the residency. The results of this open call will be announced on the LABoral website and through a press release to the media.

LABoral will provide a space conditioned for musical work (equipped with different technical resources: speakers, mixing console and microphones). The time of use of the space will be on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from March to September 2016. You may also use, upon reservation and subject to availability, the Chillout Room or Plat0 for the open sessions mentioned above. Groups may periodically carry out open-door rehearsals.

At the end of the residency, the musicians will present the results of the work developed during the residency and LABoral will be able to make an edition with part of the sound material developed, always for promotional use and dissemination of the program.

Information and

Consult the complete bases[+]
Participation form[+]