Black Wedding Ecosex Workshop

20th to 23th july 2011

Workshop : 20-22.07.11 16h-20h

Wedding : 23.07.11


We are two ecosexual artists in love with our planet Earth. We are changing the metaphor from ‘Earth as Mother’ to ‘Earth as Lover,’ for the pleasure of it, plus we want to make the environmental movement a little more sexy, fun and diverse. Over the past four years, we have married the Earth, Sky, Sea, Moon, and Mountains in a series of lush performance art weddings in various countries and communities. In Gijon we will marry Coal. Come join us!”

Annie Sprinkle & Elizabeth Stephens

You are invited to a very special ecosexy wedding!

Why we will marry coal. We desire to connect more deeply with the Earth. In America, we have been working to stop mountain top removal strip mining for coal in the Appalachian Mountains. This coal mining poisons the water, air, plants, animals and people. Spain also has coalmines that are negatively impacting the environment. Society’s needs for energy are creating global warming, cancers, floods, and other destruction. Let’s switch to using more sustainable sources of energy. We will also honor coal for all of the energy it has provided. Together, let us all vow to love, honor and cherish our Earth’s natural resources.

Who is invited? You and your guests! All adults are welcome.

Come to our art wedding creation workshop: We ask for no material gifts but invite people to participate in the creation of the wedding. Together we will learn about environmental issues, explore ecosexuality, make props and costumes, and develop characters/personas to embody during the wedding. Be a flower girl/boy, ring bearer, be in the bridal party, make the rings, decorate, do a ritual, a poem, sing a song, or make a wedding cake. We’ll mine our creativity, digging deep into our individual and collective desires. We will have three days together to experiment, explore, make meaning, have fun, spread the love, be ecosexy, make new friends, make art, share food, and create performances. Workshop participants play primary roles in the wedding, in addition to presenting their work.

Organised in collaboration with Hangar and CCCB, Barcelona, La Semana Negra and ATM Contemporary, Gijón

Produced by Diana J. Torres

Workshop : 20-22.07.11 16h-20h

Wedding : 23.07.11 in the country during the day and at midnight in the

Interview with Annie Sprinkle in the NY Times :

More information about this event…