Biotextile Design Workshop

2nd to 9th april 2022

The workshop is developed in two sessions, with a first part to learn the processes of creation of biomaterials and a second part of application in textile design, with the aim of promoting circularity in fashion design.

Day 1 (2 April): How Nature makes. Creation of biomaterials
Participants will be introduced to the science of biomimicry, through the talk How Nature makes, discovering different case studies of organisms and manufacturing processes of their structures, materials and textures, as inspiration to create sustainable alternatives in the production of new materials.
production of new materials.
Then, attendees will learn the general concepts and basics of bioplastic preparation, step by step, in a practical way, to make their own recipes and experiments, giving a second life to organic waste. Biofabrication unites research and artistic creation, replacing industrial or mechanical systems with biological processes, fusing biology, technology and design according to the principles found in natural organisms, thus revolutionising current production processes and their high environmental cost.

Day 2 (9 April): Biotextile design and fashion application
During the second session, participants will be able to create different applications for textile design from the bioplastics made in the first session, discovering different techniques for working with biotextiles such as folding, warping, sewing, thermo-sealing or laser cutting, experimenting with the material and clothing possibilities in the fashion sector.
material and clothing possibilities in the fashion sector.
Taught by: Marlén López and Manuel Persa
Timetable: from 10:00 to 14:00
Number of places: 12
Price: 60 € (includes material)
Registration: [+] The place will be reserved when payment is made.
Aimed at: students and professionals who are interested in integrating new methodologies in the creation and execution of projects in all creative disciplines, especially those related to art, textile and fashion design.
Activity promoted and financed by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism.
