Autum of Recycling

18th august – 1st october 2014

Third edition of this competition for the production and exhibition of art and technology projects that promote ecological recycling, waste prevention and public environmental awareness in Gijon

The Local Urban Environmental Services Company of Gijon (EMULSA), in partnership with LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, has called the third edition of “Otoño del Reciclaje” (Autumn of Recycling). This edition is open to all those creators, collectives and/or associations related with artistic creation, technological research, design or architecture as a contest for the production and exhibition of two new media art projects – one for Asturian creators, collectives and/or associations and another one for non-Asturian creators, collectives and/or associations – that foster eco-friendly recycling, waste prevention and environmental awareness based on the use of technology and citizen participation.

After the jury’s verdict, the selected artists will have a term not exceeding one month from the official notification of the award. If necessary, LABoral provide the winning projects of the call for a work space in the center for the production thereof.

Both calls have a prize of 2,000 euros each in fees. In addition, the cost of travel and accommodation in Gijón for the production and presentation of the project during the days of lectures on environmental awareness, social research and technological innovation planned on 17 and 18 November 2014 will be paid.

The deadline for submission of documentation concludes on October 1, 2014 The presentation will take place at 8:00 to 15:00 hours at the offices of EMULSA or LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Also be accepted projects that reach the date indicated on the following mail:

Check the rulles for the call [+]

For more information:
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial 
Los Prados, 121, 33204 Gijón, Asturias
985 18 55 77

Carretera. Carbonera, 98, Gijón, Asturias
985 14 14 14




LABoral grande 2 líneas
Fundación Cultura Ayuntamiento Gijón
Gijón Creativo