auLAB project – Schools for the 21th Century

1st september 2017 – 31th october 2018

This project is possible thanks to the help of Fundación ALCOA and with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education of the Principality of Asturias. The project is a prototype of a multimedia laboratory and it will be introduced on to school centres of Avilés: Colegio Público Llaranes and CRA Cabu Peñes. This will help to teach about the new technologies that the youth will find in their future. “Based on the collected data by the ‘Observatorio para el Empleo en la Era Digital’, eight of ten young people between 20 to 30 years will be find a job related to digital on works that jet don’t exist. The top 10 professions will be: smart factory engineer, chief digital officer, digital innovator expert, data scientist, big data expert, smart cities architect expert, usability expert, digital contents director, digital risks expert and agent and digital marketing director.” Joaquin Nieto, Director of the ‘Oficina para España de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo’ (OIT), relay on the same idea and says it is said that the children who right now are on the schools, would be working in jobs that don’t exist already.

With this project the objective is to contribute on the methodological innovation in order to evolve, change and improve the scholar and laboral success. To help on the progress of learning of the students and the teaching of the professors, it will incorporate on this processes new tools for everyone on the centre and, with that, it will be adjusted to the different types of learning. It will have also workshops of this technologies not only for students, but for professors too during the whole school year. In this way, teachers will be provided of new tools everyday to keep students motivated for looking for new jobs that will not disappear.

The media laboratory will have investigation, creation and production tools. It will be a creative laboratory inside the centre, a place for learning based on the experimentation and discovering. A place where the technological knowledge is transmitted by audiovisual and sound creation, creativity, design, digital production and robotics, helping with this the application of knowing this new concepts of work.

As this is an educational project, it would help also in connect professors. students and families in the processes of the laboratory through programs of activities from school and out-of-school.

For this, LABoral, the Ministry of Education of the Principality of Asturias and Fundación ALCOA count with the collaboration of three artists, María CastellanosAlberto Valverde and Daniel Romero, that will guide the project on the centres. The participation of professors, students and families will be required in order of achieving the goals of the project.

The participants will suggest a practical example through the Centre projects that shows the exploitation of the recourses. The works will be shown on public at the finish of the school year in each Centre. In the C.P. Llaranes the topic will be environment and sustainability and in CRA Cabu Peñes the topic is the digitalization.
