At Home (Traffic Series)

Jennifer & Kevin McCoy

9 January 2004

Table top, miniature models, video cameras, computer-controlled video switcher, projection. Courtesy: Galerie Guy Bärtschi, Geneva.

At Home is part of the series consisting of four segments—Our Second Date, At Home, In the Cardiac Ward, and At the Bar—in which the artists restage scenes from their lives as they intersect with media such as TV and cinema.

The miniature models on tabletops represent both the artists’ lives and scenes from movies they have jointly watched. Suspended over each set are miniature video cameras that capture images, which are edited in a computer-controlled process and screened on the gallery walls.

In a continuous automated process of selecting and assembling images, the series constructs a personal narrative through media culture and specifi cally the glorification of car culture (the chase, the traffic jam, the road movie, and cruising).

At Home tells the story of the artists watching a scene from the fi lm Sugarland Express on TV in their living room.