Arcade machine
Arcade machine, 2 joysticks, 2 TVs, coin dispenser, 5 DIY Arduino based network, 26 LED score display, 2 motors, 2 fans, 4 optocoupled h-bridges, 2 printer head mechanics, hair dryer, 2 infra-red sensors, 4 switches, 2 potenciometres, button, 220v 5v relay system, 2 fl uorescent lamps, 8 power supplies, wood structure, video camera Courtesy: the artist and Miguel Nabinho Gallery, Lisbon Acknowledgements: Ernesto de Sousa Fellowship
Pong is an analogue recreation of the 1970s Atari arcade videogame, relating the new available technologies for artwork development, and an investigation on physical interaction and natural processes. The recreation of a lengendary game refl ecting today’s new media, post-digital art and DIY technology. Made by Atari and released in 1972, Pong was the first videogame to achieve widespread popularity in both arcade and home console. Lately history has been giving it the full credit for having launched the initial boom in the videogame industry. To the artist, this game is one of the fi rst world known digital interactive experience. His idea was to rebuild it using a different approach: mainly excluding the physics behind its programming algorithms, using a physical process instead, the use of wind to control a lightweight ping-pong ball.