minipimer’s Filescape

20 July 2010


Installation, paper, single-channel video and cabling, dimensions variable. Acknowledgements: Hangar, Gustavo Valera and the technical team at LABoral.

minipimer’s Filescape is an installation that came about as a documentary report of SummerLAB 2010, based on the fusion of the concepts of time and narrative; collage and fragmentation and subjective cartography. plays with the concept of the “there and now” (riffing on Benjamin’s auratic “here and now”), working in a delocalised physical space (Internet streaming) and in the temporary space of simultaneity. In a site-specific exhibition in the “place of the events”, the process should be reverted by the construction of a narrative from the “here and before”, a visualisation of working processes from an augmented temporality. 
The result is a subjective cartography based on the notion of connection as a methodology for the construction of a relative map, linking the different moments and subject matters that emerged during SummerLAB. The intention of this cartography is to map the collective experience that took place from certain data we may obtain from the documentation we created.