It’s Hard to Keep Clean and Quiet

Surasi Kusolwong

4 January 2007


Surasi Kusolwong’s art work offers visitors the opportunity to become involved in an extraordinary experience. Kusolwong works in a unique way to create high-energy, lively and playful situations with a celebratory feel. He wants to encourage visitors to enjoy his exhibitions by offering unexpected possibilities which break the boundaries between art and life. His relationship to Western modernism contains a degree of irony. For his large-scale installation at LABoral, Kusolwong critiques western influences on eastern culture which can be experienced and interacted by all visitors. Surasi Kusolwong’s art work offers visitors the opportunity to become involvedin an extraordinary experience. Kusolwong works in a unique way to create high-energy, lively and playful situations with a celebratory feel. He wants toencourage visitors to enjoy his exhibitions by offering unexpected possibilities which break the boundaries between art and life. His relationship to Western modernism contains a degree of irony. For his large-scale installation at LABoral, Kusolwong critiques western influences on eastern culture which can beexperienced and interacted by all visitors.