Installation (wax head, metal door with peephole, metal bars, LED light) Approx. 121,5 x 80 x 280 cm
Powerless Structures is an ongoing series of works, which the artists began in 1997. The sculptural elements induce perceptual disruptions in the “white cube”, hence opening new levels of meanings. Inside / Powerless Structures, Fig. 334 questions the terms “inside” and “outside” as absolute categories. The airtight prison door is incorporated into the wall of the exhibition space. Through the scarcely lit opening, it seems like a prisoner is observing the gallery visitor and vice versa. By means of such works, Elmgreen & Dragset pose basic questions regarding reception and acceptance. The installation is also a confirmation of the title of the series: structures without claim to power are vulnerable. Only in a subversive manner are they able to assume a new level of meaning.