Vídeo. 17 min. Camera: Audrius Kemezys. Courtesy: GB Agency, París, Galerie Jan Mot, Bruselas & Galerie Barbara Weiss, Berlín.
In Lithuania, where this huge electrical power station is located, the past few decades have witnessed profound political and social transformations, opening up a kind of nostalgia for the communal. Energy Lithuania speaks precisely to this need for the public, to the possibility of building the future and to the creation of communities based on the collective experience of implementing a project: a huge electrical power station to feed energy into the ideas of Modernism. That said, these frustrated processes are addressed differently depending on the context. If Narkevičius’ power station becomes a kind of museum, the façade of Menéndez’s Ensidesa has been wiped out in a process every bit as overwhelming as its construction was in the first place.