Democratic Mobility: Horizontal Telephony + Free Mobile Network Nodes

Mobile phones, routers and VoIP. GNU/Linux: Debian CyanogenMod operative system, BMX, BATMAN, OLSR and Asterisk software.

19 July 2010

Mobile phones, routers and VoIP. GNU/Linux: Debian CyanogenMod operative system, BMX, BATMAN, OLSR and Asterisk software. GNU/GPL and FDL license. Acknowledgements: Albert Homs, Alex Casanova, Pablo de Soto, Zako, Kobenan, Axel, Agustí, Roger, Blackhold, Imakoki, Gràcia SenseFils, Asturias Wireless, all the and Free Software communities.

With over 10,000 operative nodes and more than 15,000 kilometres of links, is the world’s largest community-run telecommunications network. Most of this infrastructure is permanently installed, connecting thousands of homes through wireless technology. This project is conceived to expand the current potentialities of, providing connectivity in the public space, adding mobility and including telephony features. The goal is to make the most of the network deployed to date, with a coverage of 12,000 km2 and to implement these two prototypes (Horizontal Telephony/Mobile Node) for their use by members of the community.ía_móvil