Cloning Vase and Pillow

5:5 Designers

11 September 2008


Cloning is a service that provides us with objects created at our own image. Inspired by the scientific procedures of cloning, these objects’ shape and form are the results of an elaborated process. Firstly, data is collected from your physical characteristics: the colour of your eyes, of your hair, your weight… Secondly, this data is examined in order to translate it into coefficients that will be applied in the creation of new objects. This approach in the conception of objects is made possible thanks to the flexibility of digital prototype technology together with the savoirfaire of the artisans crafting the objects. The clone object is generated by “injecting” the “donor’s genes” data into what we call the “bearer product”, this being different standard objects. 
The results are objects that do not share a consensual aesthetic belief (which is the norm in the industry) as they are a direct answer to our own bodies.