Photograph, models, automobiles, binding and wooden table Medidas variables
The incorporation of the automobile into all spheres of everyday life, to the extent of defining or determining lifestyles, living patterns or architectural needs, is perfectly characterised in this piece by Alicia Framis in the global context of the everyday relations that take place in contemporary society. Interested in exploring the more complex aspects of our social structure such as solitude, lack of communication, isolation or dependency, Framis examines our relationship with architecture–models, functions and interdependence between the individual and the space. Recontextualised in this field, in Apart Together (Japan House), the car emerges as an element that is perfectly integrated both in domestic architecture and in the model for cohabitation. It is a symbol and a tool for independence, individuality and habitability. The home is organised in such a way as to accept the central role played by the car in the life of its dwellers, one for each one of the members of the couple, with two cars that, like both members of the couple, are identical and together, yet separated one from the other.
Courtesy: Asociación de Amigos del CGAC, Santiago de Compostela