3 May 2022 – 13 August 2022
Sara García explores the idea of still life painting from the participatory, mainly through the use of food. From different approaches she seeks to generate intimate sensory experiences that reflect on the idea of hospitality and therefore on our relationship with the Other, the unknown. He studied Fine Arts at the University of Vigo and at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and has also completed the SOMA PES in Mexico City. Some of the exhibitions in which he has participated are: Processi 148, Academia de España en Roma, Rome, El sol y su sombra, CCEMX, Mexico City, Presencia lúcida, ESPAC, Mexico City, Una rosa tiene forma de rosa. Oficios e instintos, Casa del Lago, Mexico City. La Isla, Isleta del Lago Mayor, Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City, Universo vídeo. Geo-politics, LABoral, Gijón. In 2021 he was resident at the Spanish Academy in Rome. Throughout 2022 he will develop projects at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Huarte and at the Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia.
Project in residence
Sara García’s proposal consists of a ceremony on care for the Other. In the project she proposes an experimentation on hospitality and cooperation to rethink the relations between non-human human beings and the earth we inhabit. In particular, he approached commensalism between micro-organisms and humans. Formally it consists of a plant-based food production, mainly fermented, but also dehydrated, infused and inoculated by fungi, which is then shared with the public in different events.
Project selected in the 1st Call for Artistic Residencies 2022