25 May 2014 – 09 July 2014
Graduated in Fine Arts and Agricultural Engineering. He has a masters degree in Visual and Multimedia Arts at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and he has enjoyed a one-year residence at Master Interfaces Cutures in Linz, Austria. Due to his technical and scientific training, his research focuses on the relationship between art, science and technology. Covering issues such as environment, ecology, the identity of the being or scientific dissemination.
In 2004 he creates the concept “nanorrealism”, the study of matter and energy at nanometric scales and its artistic applications. Moreover, in 2006, he creates the concept “ToE.art”, based on concepts deriving from the search for a scientific theory to unify all the theories that have been formulated so far, trying to achieve a unification of concepts. Both scientific concepts are the bases of his recent works. This multidisciplinary artist uses several disciplines and means of expression, such as interactive installations, audiovisual installations, mechanical installations, sound installations, electronics, painting, sculpture or photography. His work has been shown in individual and collective exhibitions, as well as in several national and international art and technology festivals like Ars Electronica in Linz (Austria), Amber Festival in Estambul (Turkey), Espacio Enter in Tenerife (Spain), Art in the City in Mainz (Germany) or the Festival Incubarte, Valencia (Spain), among others.
Project in residence
During his artistic residency, Valencian artist Hugo Martínez-Tormo will develop nanoEsencia_Grafeno, an immersive audiovisual installation of generative art that allows visitors to enter the depths of matter, in this case graphene, and perceive the colour of the atoms that compose it and its analogous sound, thus awakening new sensations. The work will be produced by the artist during a residency at LABoral’s Plataforma 0. Centro de Producción and, later, starting on July 9, it will be presented in dialogue with other pieces from the olorVISUAL collection.
Starting with graphene, a nanomaterial composed of pure carbon, with atoms arranged in a regular hexagonal pattern that form a sheet one atom thick, Hugo Martínez-Tormo proposes an investigation whose objective is to answer the question of what atoms smell like. The artist aims to answer questions such as what would happen if we were the size of an atom, how we would see and perceive the world around us and what colour matter is on that scale.