
Fernando Oyágüez

5 November 2018 – 22 February 2019

Musician and sound recordist with a fundamentally self-taught training applied to instruments such as the viola, banjo or piano, percussion, electronics and voice. He flirts with experimentation and practices improvisation and performance in the performing arts with Nilo Gallego, Elena Córdoba and La Xata la Rifa. In mid-2018 his first soundtrack for the documentary La huerta de la esquina will be released.

Project in residence

On marche! is the new adventure of the platform Save music, throw musicians away. The project is based on the development of robotics as a source of sound and movement and its application in the field of performing and performative arts as well as enabling the exchange of experiences.

The project assumes the era of automation and artificial intelligence from distortion and artistic exploration. In this new phase there will be new collaborations –by robots and also people- in the format of specific open days or periodic jam-sessions.

‘On marche!’ is the project selected in the 2018 II Call for Art Residencies
