20 November 2018 – 30 April 2019
David Ferrando Giraut (Negreira, A Coruña, 1978) lives and works in Gijón. He is a graduate in Fine Arts from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and MFA in Fine Arts from the Goldsmiths College. In 2010 he was one of the eight video-artists selected for the LUX Associate Artists Programme in London.
His work, focused mainly in video, sound and installation, combines several conceptual threads, such as the hybridation of natural elements, technology and sociopolitical organisation and how it has been managed through history; the tensions between representation and represented reality; the aesthetic experience as cognitive tool. It calls into question the modern concept of temporality, proposing a search for continuity through notions such as transversality, Proustian reminiscence, the ruin, and its parallelisms with audiovisual recording. His recent works show an interest for the persistence of pyramidal social structures and the current mismatch between technological development and political involution, which seems to lead us towards some kind of post-cybernetic neo-medievalism.
Some of his most recent exhibitions are the following: Luminous Flux, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (2014); ARCOmadrid 2014, Galería Bacelos; IndieLisboa14, Festival Internacional de Cine Independente; Veraneantes, MARCO, Vigo (2013-14); It´s a Place of Force” en REMAP4, Athens (2013) and MACO 2013, Mexico, Galería Bacelos; ARCOmadrid 2013, Galería Bacelos; Cristalino, Galería Bacelos, Madrid and Vigo (2012); 41 International Film Festival Rotterdam (2012); Swollen Jungle, Union Gallery, London (2012); The Fanstasist, MACUF, A Coruña (2011); Topophobia, Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London, The Bluecoat, Liverpool and Spacex, Exeter (2011-2012); Against Gravity, ICA, Londres (2010); Journeys End in Lovers Meetings, Galería Visor (2010), Valencia and 10/12, Brussels (2011); Time Capsules, The Gallery Soho, London (2011); Everything is Out There, part of Inéditos 2010, La Casa Encendida, Madrid; Between a Hole and a Home, James Taylor Gallery, Londres (2010); Strange Things Are Hapening, ASPEX, Portsmouth (2009); or Situación, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela (2008).
Project in residence
Humans created their culture through a process of ‘homogenisation’ of the external world, replacing a priori inconceivable objects with classified sets of conceptions or ideas. For as long as this has been the case, humans have been torn between belonging to nature and emancipation from it. It is in the space between these two poles that we find our space, our ‘refuge’. The contemporary consequences of an unresolved application of modern thinking, evidenced first and foremost by the current environmental problem – and other uncertainties regarding our near future – nevertheless highlight, more acutely than is desirable, the threatening presence of the outside. Our present forces us to look outside our comfort zone, and to ask questions about the extremes outside our refuge: a nature and a technological development that have escaped the control of modern man.
The unnamable aims to bring into play, through artistic practice, the idea of heterology, enunciated by G. Bataille, as a reflection or analysis of that which escapes the processes of homogenisation.