Sylvie Fleury


Born in Switzerland in 1961. Lives and works in Genf.

Sylvie Fleury’s work embodies the ambiguous marriage between art and fashion, creation and consumerism, authorship and copy. In her pieces, elements defining mass production converge with others speaking of luxury, while, in turn, both aspects are juxtaposed with referents drawn from art history itself. That said, in her case, we are not talking only about objects, their design and their circulation, but also about how the whole system is connected and interacts with gender. Here, the patterns and inscriptions of the male and the female are addressed as a core element in the configuration of our symbolic apparatus.

Recent exhibitions include: Musée d’art moderne et contemporain, Geneva; Kunsthalle Wien; Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg/Paris; Patrick Painter Inc, Los Angeles.