Raquel Sakristan

An artist specialising in collective creation processes, she uses art as a tool to explore avenues of communication.

She has developed projects with people with intellectual diversity and Mental Health Institutions for the European Social Fund in England and Ireland (Expanding Realities Project), the psychiatric unit of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, the Social Services of Oulu (Finland), Kulttuurikauppila Art Centre (Finland), the Álvaro Entrecanales Foundation, the Community of Madrid, the Art For Change Project of La Caixa, the Debajo del Sombrero Association in Matadero or the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid (UCM).

It investigates the creation of scenarios that facilitate the expression and development of the capacities of each participant. They are multidisciplinary proposals that blur the limits between artistic project and life experiences. The final form is the result of a group interaction, organic and unpredictable, a consequence of the process itself. She has worked in public spaces, co-creating with groups at risk of social exclusion, both in urban environments (NYC, Beijing, Barcelona) and in rural areas.

Raquel has collaborated with BERDE since the beginning of the project.
