Raquel López Fernández holds a degree in Nursing (Uniovi) and a PhD in Art History (UCM). She completed her doctoral thesis linked to the CSIC. She has combined her work as a nurse with her professional development in the field of Humanities. She has collaborated as a lecturer at the UCM and the UNED. She has participated in national and international conferences, but has also co-organised and co-directed scientific events in institutions such as the Residencia de Estudiantes or the Picasso Museum in Malaga. She is interested in knowledge transfer and has been a scientific guide for exhibitions or collaborated in dissemination and education activities linked to museums, research centres, education or youth. She has published in different academic media and is co-editor of some publications edited by CDAEM, Ediciones Mahali or Sans Soleil Editorial. She has specialised in the study of dance and the plastic arts, but her lines of research include the relations between art, science, politics and spirituality in 20th century artistic culture, which she approaches with approaches linked to cultural studies and ecofeminism. She has carried out research stays at international institutions such as the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (Paris) and the Università di Bologna. She combines scientific research with artistic research.