(Gijón, 1976)
Patricia Rodríguez after taking her first artistic steps in Asturias and subsequently developing an extensive theatrical career in the United Kingdom – Patricia founded the Las Ganas theater company in 2020 and titled the first piece of this new stage adventure with the same name. The company seeks to be a platform for newly created works and is the result of a professional evolution within the theater with a collaborative nature, a specialty developed over the last 15 years with her British company: Little Soldier Productions(link), with which he still maintains a very active work in parallel.
Patricia Rodríguez is an actress, pedagogue and theater creator. Credits as co-creator/deviser: Nothing Happens (Twice) dir Ursula Martinez, Muckers (Caroline Horton, Theater Royal Bath and Conde Duque Madrid), No Way Out (Flight of the Scales. Berlin) With Little Soldier: Derailed, The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha (Stage Award 2014), You and Me (Argus Angel 2013) and Pakita (2011). She has co-directed the show Journey to the Impossible (Little Soldier, 2017). As an actress – among many others – : Get Happy, Heads Will Roll (Told by an Idiot.UK) The Threesome – R&D (National Theater and Told by an Idiot)