O’dam ONGd


O’dam is a non-governmental organisation for development that works to empower people and minority collectives immersed in processes of cultural identity loss, ethnocide, marginalisation and/or exclusion

This ONGd believes development to be a complex concept to be brought about in different ways and according to different ideals in function of the social, cultural and sexual reality of each of the different communities. It has the same implication for citizens in rich or impoverished countries. It understand development to be process continually undergoing revision and construction towards a more just and equitable society where every person and every people have the same opportunities to become fully global citizens. In this process of construction, O’dam ONGd defends social and educational intervention that improves respect for identity and the cultural diversity of people and communities.

Their lines of activity include local development, international cooperation for development and cultural research, promotion and dissemination. On the international level, O’dam ONGd has active projects in Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Gambia (Africa)
