Noan Toram was born in New Mexico. Noan Toram’s work spans multiple disciplines and mediums, from film to installations, conceptual product design to photography. Research based, Toran’s work focuses on the social, psychological and ethical implications of mass culture, celluloid media, and emerging technologies, and attempts to both define and criticize the intersection between science and society, between modernity and culture. Consistently, the work appropriates the discourse of design as a means with which to investigate and envision anomalies in contemporary and speculative human behaviour. Toran not only creates objects but their narratives and contexts as well, imagining them to be the real protagonists of modern everyday life. Often foregrounding them in short films, these objects are imagined as constructions for particular individuals and psyches, vehicles for an elaboration of the desires, fantasies and pathologies unique to specific modern subjects. Toran’s work is exhibited, screened and published internationally, and is part of the NY MoMA and Paris FRAC collections. He currently teaches at the Royal College of Art and lectures worldwide.