Dancer and event producer. Graduated in Tourism, graduated in classical-Spanish from the Professional Conservatory of Dance of Madrid, she completes training at the Choreographic Center of León, at the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona, she enriches her interests and training in different countries. He collaborates with video creators such as Fium, DeNooijer, Surasi Kusolwong, works as an interpreter for the artists Marcelï Antunéz, Cuco Suárez, Jordi Val-lamora, Annie Sprinkle… as an assistant with Marina Oural, Delphine Coutant, Rodrigo García, Rocío Molina and Carlos Marquerie . She co-founds the Las Bailarinas Parabolicas collective and the La Pecera Elástica project. She receives the Injuve 2009, Astragal 2010 and ALnorte 2016 awards.
He is currently developing the La Xata la Rifa Laboratory, where he investigates forms of representation, demands new circuits and times in art, questions the viewer’s gaze and responds to other financing mechanisms. He organizes the La Xata Raffle Festival in towns in Asturias and takes his Cowshows and cowfunding to cities and towns in the USA, Cuba, Costa Rica, France, Spain. He co-produces the 5th floating piano tour of Spain with the company Le piano du Lac. It currently lives between the Carbayín Train Station, Gozón and the French Alps, interweaving the scenic spots, with tradition, passion and innovation.