She is undertaking her Ph. D at University of Oviedo within the Marie Curie program. She is author of the research project “Employment relations as multi-level power arenas” on which the exhibition is based. She is graduated on Social science at the Heinrich Heine University (Düsseldorf) and she has got a master degree on Global Political Economy (Kassel University). She has published the chapter “El buen vivir en Latino América” about extractivism in Ecuador in the book “Socio-economic insecurity in emerging economies. Building new spaces” (Ellen Ehmke & Khayaat Fakier, Routledge Ed. 2013) and the article “La información y consulta de trabajadores de empresas transnacionales. Dimensiones y despliegue práctico de los comités de empresa europeos” (with Holm-Detlev Köhler and Sergio González Begega, Revista de Derecho Social, 2016).